Stirea e pe Slashdot si zice asa:
Copper Thieves Jeopardize US Infrastructure
The FBI today ratcheted up the clamor to do something more substantive about the monumental growth of copper theft in the US. In a report issued today the FBI said the rising theft of the metal is threatening the critical infrastructure by targeting electrical substations, cellular towers, telephone land lines, railroads, water wells, construction sites, and vacant homes for lucrative profits
M-am entuziasmat foarte tare cand am citit stirea, m-am udat tot (cum se zice pe la noi). AM CREZUT CA S-AU SCOS VIZELE si eu am aflat ultimul!
Se pare ca s-a facut export de tzi… conationali urat mirositori si pusi pe ciordeala din Romania catre SUA 😀