Apple has filed a patent that forces users to interact with an ad. FTFA: ‘Its distinctive feature is a design that doesn’t simply invite a user to pay attention to an ad — it also compels attention. The technology can freeze the device until the user clicks a button or answers a test question to demonstrate that he or she has dutifully noticed the commercial message. Because this technology would be embedded in the innermost core of the device, the ads could appear on the screen at any time, no matter what one is doing. (Slashdot)
Daca li se acord acest patent, e foarte posibil ca urmatoarele versiuni de iPhone sau alte gadgeturi ale lor sa te intrerupa cand iti e lumea mai draga iar tu sa trebuiasca sa interactionezi cu reclama ca sa dovedesti ca ai privit-o.
Ai putea avea o urgenta dar telefonul nu te-ar lasa sa suni pana nu vizionezi o reclama de 30 de secunde.
De ce e acest lucru un lucru bun? Pentru ca ar putea apartine Apple! Nokia, Sony Ericsson si restul producatorilor de gadgeturi nu ar avea voie sa-l foloseasca! Singurii utilizatori cu nervii la pamant for fi clienti Apple 🙂